CWS Foundation hosts special Children's Day treat for orphans

CWS Foundation hosts special Children's Day treat for orphans

On Sunday the 1st of June 2008, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation hosted a special day out for the orphans of Seychelles to celebrate the National Children's Day. A special lunch was organised at Cap Lazare and was attended by residents of the Foyer at Anse Etoile, Foyer de la Providence and President's Village. They were in the company of representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and staff of Cable & Wireless Seychelles (CWS). Despite not in attendance at the lunch due to international duty, the Chief Executive of CWS, Mr. Charles Hammond, had this message for the children: "June 1st is a very special day for the children of Seychelles. Whilst many are lucky to have a sheltered childhood and never run out of their parents' love and affection, there are others who are very unfortunate. As a responsible corporate citizen, CWS feels a need to help these children, if only in a small yet sincere way. On Children's Day, we are not only bringing a smile to the faces of these children, but hope and love from our hearts to theirs. Helping our children is an investment in our future." Following lunch, some children enjoyed a swim in the ocean, others played with Cable & Wireless branded Frisbees whilst others sat down for a sing song session. This is the second time that the CWS Foundation has assisted the orphans. Following its inauguration in March 2005, the Foundation donated items such as TVs, DVDs, books, etc to all the orphanages in Seychelles.