Cable & Wireless Foundation Sponsors Child Protection Week

Cable & Wireless Foundation Sponsors Child Protection Week

The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has once again lent its support towards the annual Child Protection Week, organized by the National Council for Children (NCC), a non-governmental/non-profitable charitable organization. Following the success of last year’s week long activities on Praslin, Child Protection Week 2007 was launched on Mahé, at Beau Vallon, on Sunday the 27th of May. The activities are being marked under the theme ‘Safe and caring communities protect children’ and, throughout the week, the NCC will carry out trainings, workshops as well as media campaigns which are all aimed at sensitizing the general public to the importance of protecting children from all forms of abuse. The launch started with a service presided by Reverend Christine Benoit of the Anglican Church, in the presence of invited guests, the general public, children and partners of the NCC. Various stalls were set up providing information to parents on parenting issues as well as health and educational guidance tips specific to children. The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation brand was very visible at the Cable & Wireless stall where members of staff, all wearing Foundation t-shirts, offered the public massive discounts on some of its products and services whilst simultaneously running a Lucky Dip from which various toys, promotional items, prepaid cards and even a mobile phone were up for grabs. The stall attracted quite a large and enthusiastic crowd with its giant, fan operated ‘Tube-Dude’ serving as a backdrop. At the end of the day SR4, 000.00 was raised from the Lucky Dip alone, which will be handed over to the NCC as an additional donation to the SR15, 000.00 already set aside as the sponsorship amount for Child Protection Week 2007. On top of financial support, in collaboration with NCC, Cable & Wireless Seychelles will be organizing a Child Protection Sensitization Session for members of its staff on Thursday the 31st of May 2007.