CWS lends a helping hand to the Friends of North East Point Hospital and Hospice and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles

CWS lends a helping hand to the Friends of North East Point Hospital and Hospice and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles

CWS was pleased to present cheques of SCR100,000/- to the Friends of North-East Point Hospital and Hospice (FNEPHH) and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles. Our company has always lent a hand to NGOs who are pushing for benevolent welfare causes. In this case, the patients and staff at the Hospital and Hospice will be able to dine in a more cheerful environment and benefit from better ventilation and gain more appliances.

Whilst, at the same time, Cable and Wireless Seychelles also extended its support to the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles who are always pushing for more community projects such as the donations that they make to breast cancer patients, and continuous work that they have with the President’s Village and the Montagne Possee Prison. CWS is committed to supporting the people of Seychelles through endorsing the work of NGOs such as FNEPHH and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles.